Biohydrogels 2015

In March 2015, a workshop dedicated to Biohydrogels was held at the University of Nantes (France), with the aim of establishing the Society for Biohydrogels. About 100 people (from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugual, Serbia, UK and Switzerland) attended this meeting and the inaugural business meeting chaired by Prof. Pierre Weiss. Statutes, detailing the incorporation of the Society for Biohydrogels, were discussed and agreed, Article by Article. The Statutes, signed by Prof. Pierre Weiss and Dr. Catherine Le Visage, ensuredthe formal foundation of the Society on March 6, 2015.

Biohydrogels 2015 program can be downloaded here: Biohydrogels 2015

Mis à jour le 21 January 2019.