Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton
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Publications 2020


Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies
Osteoarthritis: From coming treatments to treatments yet to come

V. Delplace, MA Boutet, C. Le Visage, Y. Maugars, J. Guicheux, C. Vinatier

Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies. 2020 Dec-

 Int J Environ Res Public Health
Public Health Impact of Using Biosimilars, Is Automated Follow up Relevant?

A. Perpoil, G.Grimandi, S.Birklé, JF. Simonet, A.Chiffoleau, F.Bocquet

Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2020 Dec- Download full text

Periodontitis, erectile dysfunction, reproductive hormones and semen quality: A systematic review

B. Lecaplain, Z. Badran, A. Soueidan, T. Prud'homme, A. Gaudin

Andrology . 2020 Dec 15.

The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical
Effects of the COVID-19 confinement period on physical conditions in young elite soccer players

M. Dauty, P. Menu, A. Fouasson-Chailloux

The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2020 Dec 03 - Download full text

Silanization of Chitosan and Hydrogel Preparation for Skeletal Tissue Engineering

G. Réthoré, C. Boyer, K.Kouadio, A. Toure , J. Lesoeur, B. Halgand, F. Jordana, J. Guicheux, P. Weiss

Polymers (Basel) . 2020 Nov 27;12(12):E2823 - Download full text

Characterization of 3D bifurcations in micro-scan and MRA-TOF images of cerebral vasculature for prediction of intra-cranial aneurysms

A.Nouri, F.Autrusseau, R.Bourcier, A.Gaignard, V.L’allinec, C.Menguy, J.Véziers, H.Desal, G.Loirand, R.Redon

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Volume 84, September 2020, 101751. - Download full text

Green and Tunable Animal Protein-Free Microcarriers for Cell Expansion

E. Somville, A.A Kumar, J. Guicheux, B. Halgand, S. Desmoutiers-Champagne, A. Des Rieux, A. Jonas, K. Glinel

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020 Oct 29. - Download full text

Standardized fractal bench test evaluation of coronary stents: Performances in bifurcation lesions treated by the re‐proximal optimization technique

PG Piriou, M. Bonin, F.Huchet, V. Letocart, T. Manigold, J. Plessis, F. Derimay, J. Veziers, F. Jordana, P. Guerin

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv . 2020 Sep 23 -

Collateral effects of targeting the nucleus pulposus via a transpedicular or transannular surgical route: a combined X-ray, MRI, and histological long-term descriptive study in sheep

C. Decante, J. Clouet, A. Hamel, L. Le Fournier, O. Gauthier, D. Rouleau, J. Lesoeur, B. Halgand, C. Le Visage, J. Guicheux, M. Fusellier

Eur Spine J . 2020 Sep 18 -

Comparative assessment of complete-coverage, fixed tooth-supported prostheses fabricated from digital scans or conventional impressions: A systematic review and meta-analysis

O. N. Bandiaky, P.Le Bars, A.Gaudin, J. B. Hardouin, M.Cheraud-Carpentier, E. B. Mbodj, A. Soueidan

J Prosthet Dent . 2020 Oct 31 - Download full text

From electrophysiological exploration to management of heart arrhythmias: economic analysis of practices in a high-volume French hospital over two different time periods

F. Nativel, F. Barge, N. Prevost, A. Solnon, J. B. Gourraud , V. Probst, J. Clouet, G. Lande, G. Grimandi

Ann Pharm Fr . 2020 Nov 2 - Download full text

In Situ Forming, Silanized Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels with Fine Control Over Mechanical Properties and In Vivo Degradation for Tissue Engineering Applications

K. Flegeau, C. Toquet, G. Rethore, C. d'Arros, L. Messager, B. Halgand, D. Dupont, F. Autrusseau, J. Lesoeur, J. Veziers, P. Bordat, A. Bresin , J. Guicheux, V. Delplace, H. Gautier, P. Weiss

Adv Healthc Mater . 2020 Aug 31 - Download full text

Characterization of Biomaterials Intended for Use in the Nucleus Pulposus of Degenerated Intervertebral Discs

TC Schmitz, E. Salzer, JF Crispim, GT Fabra, C. LeVisage, A. Pandit, M. Tryfonidou, C. Le Maitre, K. Ito

Acta Biomater . 2020 Aug 6 - Download full text

Radiopacity of Coronary Stents, an In Vitro Comparative Study

P.G.Piriou, P. Guérin, M.Bonin, J. Plessis, V. Letocart, T. Manigold, B. Guy, F. Jordana

Cardiovasc Eng Technol . 2020 Oct 6

Extracellular phosphate sensing in mammals: what do we know?

L. Beck, S. Beck-Cormier

J Mol Endocrinol . 2020 Aug 1

Injection of Calcium Phosphate Apatitic Cement/Blood Composites in Intervertebral Fusion Cages: A Simple and Efficient Alternative to Autograft Leading to Enhanced Spine Fusion

H. Gonçalves, H. Pascal-Moussellard, J. Lesoeur, V. Schnitzler, B. H Fellah, N. M S Wagner, C. Mellier, J.M. Bouler, B. Bujoli, O. Gauthier

Spine (Phila Pa 1976) . 2020 Jul 15

Postoperative Administration of the Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, Donepezil, Interferes with Bone Healing and Implant Osseointegration in a Rat Model

F. Saleh Al-Hamed, O. Maria, J.Phan, A. Al Subaie, Q. Gao, A. Mansour, L. A Nada, I.Boukhatem, O.A Elkashty, S. D Tran, M. Lordkipanidzé, Z. Badran, F. Tamimi

Biomolecules . 2020 Sep 14;10(9):E1318

Development of a rat model of mandibular irradiation sequelae for preclinical studies of bone repair

M. Dréno, P. Bléry, J. Guicheux, P. Weiss, O.Malard, F. Espitalier

Tissue Eng Part C Methods . 2020 Jul 30

Identification of TGFβ signatures in six murine models mimicking different osteoarthritis clinical phenotypes

M. Maumus, D. Noel, H. K. Ea, D. Moulin, M. Ruiz, E. Hay, X. Houard, D. Cleret, M. Cohen-Solal, C. Jacques, J. Y. Jouzeau, M-H. Lafage-Proust, P. Reboul, J. Sellam, C. Vinatier, F. Rannou, C. Jorgensen, J. Guicheux, F. Berenbaum

Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 Jul 10 - Download full text

Dental and maxillofacial features of condylo-mandibular dysplasia: A case series of 21 patients

H. Bertin, FL. Merlet, RH. Khonsari, J. Delaire, P. Corre, J. Mercier

J Craniomaxillofac Surg . 2020 Jul 25 - Download full text

Versatile lysine dendrigrafts and polyethylene glycol hydrogels with inherent biological properties: in vitro cell behavior modulation and in vivo biocompatibility

M. Carrancá, L. Griveau, N. Remoué, C. Lorion, P. Weiss, V. Orea, D. Sigaudo-Roussel, C. Faye, D. Ferri-Angulo, R. Debret, J.Sohier

J Biomed Mater Res A . 2020 Aug 10 - Download full text

Quantifying Oxygen Levels in 3D Bioprinted Cell-Laden Thick Constructs with Perfusable Microchannel Networks

Lara Figueiredo, Catherine Le Visage, Pierre Weiss, Jing Yang

Polymers (Basel) . 2020 May 30;12(6):E1260 - Download full text

Controlled Release of Biological Factors for Endogenous Progenitor Cell Migration and Intervertebral Disc Extracellular Matrix Remodelling

Leslie Frapin, Johann Clouet, Claire Chédeville, Constantin Moraru, Edouard Samarut, Nina Henry, Manon André, Eric Bord, Boris Halgand, Julie Lesoeur, Marion Fusellier, Jérôme Guicheux , Catherine Le Visage

Biomaterials . 2020 May 12;253:120107 - Download full text

Alendronate or Zoledronic acid do not impair wound healing after tooth extraction in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

Lesclous P, Cloitre A, Catros S, Devoize L, Louvet B, Châtel C, Foissac F, Roux C

Bone. 2020 May 10:115412 - Download full text

Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy Training on Mandibular 3-dimensional Printed Models for Maxillofacial Surgical Residents

H Bertin, J-F Huon, M Praud, F Fauvel, J-M Salagnac, J-P Perrin, J-M Mercier, P Corre

Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2020 Jul 2;S0266-4356(20)30193-5 - Download full text

Optimized Protocol to Generate Spinal Motor Neuron Cells from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Charcot Marie Tooth Patients

P.A Faye, N Vedrenne, F Miressi, M Rassat,S Romanenko, L Richard, S Bourthoumieu, B Funalot, F Sturtz, F Favreau and AS Lia

Brain Sci. 2020, 10(7), 407 - Download full text

Inadequacies of the Lasègue Test, and How the Slump and Bowstring Tests Are Useful for the Diagnosis of Sciatica

Jean-Marie Berthelot, Christelle Darrieutort-Laffite, Paul Arnolfo, Joëlle Glémarec, Benoît Le Goff, Yves Maugars

Joint Bone Spine . 2020 Jun 16 - Download full text

Periodontal Pockets: A Potential Reservoir for SARS-CoV-2?

Zahi Badran, Alexis Gaudin, Xavier Struillou, Gilles Amador, Assem Soueidan

Med Hypotheses . 2020 May 30;143:109907 - Download full text

Platelet Concentrate Treatments for Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

F S Al-Hamed, A Hijazi, Q Gao, Z Badran, F Tamimi

JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 28 May 2020 - Download full text

Tailored Three-Dimensionally Printed Triply Periodic Calcium Phosphate Implants: A Preclinical Study for Craniofacial Bone Repair

Paré A, Charbonnier B, Tournier P, Vignes C, Veziers J, Lesoeur J, Laure B, Bertin H, De Pinieux G, Cherrier G, Guicheux J, Gauthier O, Corre P, Marchat D, Weiss P

ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2020 Jan 13;6(1):553-563 - Download full text

Dental Management of Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Case Report and Literature Review

Fabienne Wotjiuk, Isabelle Hyon, Sylvie Dajean-Trutaud, Zahi Badran, Tony Prud'homme

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent . Nov-Dec 2019;12(6):577-581

Acromegaly Is Associated With Vertebral Deformations but Not Vertebral Fractures: Results of a Cross-Sectional Monocentric Study

Charlotte Plard, Clarisse Hochman, Samy Hadjadj, Benoît Le Goff, Yves Maugars, Bertrand Cariou, Delphine Drui, Pascale Guillot

Joint Bone Spine 2020 May 16- Download full text

Re: Toward a consensus view in the management of acute facial injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bertin H, Koudougou C, Marion F, Corre P, Deransy R

Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 May 11 - Download full text

Influence of the containment on the epidemiology of maxillo-facial emergencies during the covid-19 pandemic. Why no more cellulites of odontogenic origin?

Kün-Darbois JD, Kahn A, Corre P

J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 May 13 - Download full text

Ultrasonography-Guided Perineural Injection of the Ramus ventralis of the 7 and 8th Cervical Nerves in Horses: A Cadaveric Descriptive Pilot Study

Touzot-Jourde G, Geffroy O, Tallaj A2, Gauthier O, Denoix JM

Front Vet Sci. 2020 Feb 25;7:102 - Download full text

Educational gaming for dental students: Design and assessment of a pilot endodontic-themed escape game

Aubeux D, Blanchflower N, Bray E, Clouet R, Remaud M, Badran Z, Prud'homme T, Gaudin A

Eur J Dent Educ. 2020 Mar 6 -

Fibrous dysplasia of the orbital region: Series of 12 cases and review of the literature

Bertin H, Huon JF, Guillot P, Longis J, Corre P, Bordereau S, Lebranchu P

J Fr Ophtalmol. 2020 May 3

Intra-CSF AAV9 and AAVrh10 Administration in Nonhuman Primates: Promising Routes and Vectors for Which Neurological Diseases?

Bey K, Deniaud J, Dubreil L, Joussemet B, Cristini J, Ciron C, Hordeaux J, Le Boulc'h M, Marche K, Maquigneau M, Guilbaud M, Moreau R, Larcher T, Deschamps JY, Fusellier M, Blouin V, Sevin C, Cartier N, Adjali O, Aubourg P, Moullier P, Colle MA

Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2020 Apr 11;17:771-784

Consensus on resectability in N3 head and neck squamous cell carcinomas: GETTEC recommendations

Carsuzaa F, Gorphe P, Vergez S, Malard O, Fakhry N, Righini C, Philouze P, Lasne-Cardon A, Gallet P, Tonnerre D, Bozec A, de Mones E, Baujat B, Laccourreye L, Babin E, Dufour X, Thariat J

Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 23;106:104733

Evaluation of a Single Intra-Articular Injection of Autologous Adipose Tissue for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis: A Prospective Clinical Study in Dogs.

Pavarotti GS, Hivernaud V, Brincin M, Roche R, Barreau P, Festy F, Gauthier O

Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2020 Apr 21

NOTO Transcription Factor Directs Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Mesendoderm Progenitors to a Notochordal Fate

Pauline Colombier, Boris Halgand, Claire Chédeville, Caroline Chariau, Valentin François-Campion, Stéphanie Kilens, Nicolas Vedrenne, Johann Clouet, Laurent David, Jérôme Guicheux, Anne Camus

Cells 2020, 9(2), 509 - Download full text

A prospective multicentre REFCOR study of 470 cases of head and neck Adenoid cystic carcinoma: epidemiology and prognostic factors

Atallah S, Casiraghi O, Fakhry N, Wassef M, Uro-Coste E, Espitalier F, Sudaka A, Kaminsky MC, Dakpe S, Digue L, Bouchain O, Morinière S, Hourseau M, Bertolus C, Jegoux F, Thariat J, Calugaru V, Schultz P, Philouze P, Mauvais O, Righini CA, Badoual C, Saroul N, Goujon JM, Marie JP, Taouachi R, Brenet E, Aupérin A, Baujat B

Eur J Cancer. 2020 Mar 11 - Download full text

Bioactivity of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Granules, the Control of a Needle-Like Apatite Layer Formation for Further Medical Device Developments

d'Arros C, Rouillon T, Veziers J, Malard O, Borget P, Daculsi G

Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020 Jan 28;7:462 - Download full text

 Plast Reconstr Surg
A Novel Absorbable Stapler Provides Patient-Reported Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness Noninferior to Subcuticular Skin Closure: A Prospective, Single-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial

Olivier Malard, Franck Duteille, Eric Darnis, Florent Espitalier, Pierre Perrot, Christophe Ferron, Lucie Planche, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Philippe Tessier, Martine Bellanger, Cécile Dert

Plast Reconstr Surg . 2020 Dec - Download full text

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A Self-Setting Hydrogel of Silylated Chitosan and Cellulose for the Repair of Osteochondral Defects: From in vitro Characterization to Preclinical Evaluation in Dogs

Cécile Boyer, Gildas Réthoré, Pierre Weiss, Cyril d'Arros, Julie Lesoeur, Claire Vinatier, Boris Halgand, Olivier Geffroy, Marion Fusellier, Gildas Vaillant, Patrice Roy, Olivier Gauthier, Jérôme Guicheux

Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 8, 23 2020 Jan 29 - Download full text

Evaluation of vertical ramus osteotomy for the surgical correction of unilateral mandibular posterior vertical insufficiency: Long-term follow-up results

Anquetil M, Mercier J, Leveau S, Mrabet S, Durand T, Salagnac JM, Perrin JP, Corre P, Bertin H

J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2020 Feb 23 - Download full text

Reporting Guidelines, Review of Methodological Standards, and Challenges Toward Harmonization in Bone Marrow Adiposity Research. Report of the Methodologies Working Group of the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society

Josefine Tratwal, Rossella Labella, Nathalie Bravenboer, Greet Kerckhofs, Eleni Douni, Erica L. Scheller, Sammy Badr, Dimitrios C. Karampinos, Sarah Beck-Cormier, Biagio Palmisano, Antonella Poloni, Maria J. Moreno-Aliaga, Jackie Fretz20, Matthew S. Rodeheffer, Parastoo Boroumand, Clifford J. Rosen, Mark C. Horowitz, Bram C. J. van der Eerden, Annegreet G. Veldhuis-Vlug and Olaia Naveiras1,on behalf of the Methodologies Working Group for the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society (BMAS)

Front. Endocrinol., 28 February 2020 - Download full text

The Need of a Paradigm Shift to Better Understand PiT1 and PiT2 Biology: Response to "Why Is There No PiT1/SLC20A1 Pathogenic Variants Yet Linked to Primary Familial Brain Calcification?"

Beck-Cormier S, Beck L.

J Bone Miner Res. 2020 Feb 12 - Download full text

Preliminary evaluation of an osteochondral autograft, a prosthetic implant, and a biphasic absorbable implant for osteochondral reconstruction in a sheep model

Olive M, Boyer C, Lesoeur J, Thorin C, Weiss P, Fusellier M, Gauthier O

Vet Surg. 2020 Jan 9 - Download full text

Degenerative lumbar disc disease: in vivo data support the rationale for the selection of appropriate animal models

Fusellier M, Clouet J, Gauthier O, Tryfonidou M, Le Visage C, Guicheux J.

Eur Cell Mater. 2020 Jan 6;39:18-47 - Download full text

Antibiotic use and resistance: a nationwide questionnaire survey among French dentists.

Baudet A, Kichenbrand C, Pulcini C, Descroix V, Lesclous P, Thilly N, Clément C, Guillet J

Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 15 -

Postimplantation radiation therapy in head and neck cancer patients: Literature review

Koudougou C, Bertin H, Lecaplain B, Badran Z, Longis J, Corre P, Hoornaert A

Head Neck. 2020 Jan 3 - Download full text

Should a neck dissection be performed on patients with cN0 adenoid cystic carcinoma? A REFCOR propensity score matching study

Atallah S, Moya-Plana A, Malard O, Poissonnet G, Fakhry N, Bettoni J, Gallet P, Ransy P, Vergez S, De Gabory L, Evrard D, Lesnik M, Philouze P, Bertolus C, Schultz P, Morinière S, Bastit V, Righini CA, Mirghani H, Jegoux F, Mauvais O, Biau J, Dufour X, Bon-Mardion N, Brenet E, Verillaud B, Baujat B

Eur J Cancer. 2020 Jan 30 - Download full text

Ludwig's angina: a diagnostic and surgical priority

Vallée M, Gaborit B, Meyer J, Malard O, Boutoille D, Raffi F, Espitalier F, Asseray N

Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Jan 22 - Download full text

Mis à jour le 27 January 2023.