Publications 2017

Neu5Gc and α1-3 GAL Xenoantigen Knockout Does Not Affect Glycemia Homeostasis and Insulin Secretion in Pigs

Salama A, Mosser M, Lévêque X, Perota A, Judor JP, Danna C, Pogu S, Mouré A, Jégou D, Gaide N, Abadie J, Gauthier O, Concordet JP, Le Bas-Bernardet S, Riochet D, Le Berre L, Hervouet J, Minault D, Weiss P, Guicheux J, Brouard S, Bosch S, Lagutina I, Duchi R, Lazzari G, Cozzi E, Blancho G, Conchon S, Galli C, Soulillou JP, Bach JM

Diabetes. 2017 Apr;66(4):987-993

Bone substitutes

Jordana F, Le Visage C, Weiss P

Med Sci (Paris). 2017 Jan;33(1):60-65 - Download full text

Efficacy of local glucocorticoid after local anesthetic in low back pain with lumbosacral transitional vertebra: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial

Glémarec J, Varin S, Cozic C, Tanguy G, Volteau C, Montigny P, Le Goff B, Darrieutort Laffite C, Maugars Y, Cormier G

Joint Bone Spine. 2018 May;85(3):359-363 - Download full text

Calcium-phosphate ceramics and polysaccharide-based hydrogel scaffolds combined with mesenchymal stem cell differently support bone repair in rats

Frasca S, Norol F, Le Visage C, Collombet JM, Letourneur D, Holy X, Sari Ali E

J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2017 Feb;28(2):35 - Download full text

In vitro cytotoxic effects of DEHP-alternative plasticizers and their primary metabolites on a L929 cell line

Eljezi T, Pinta P, Richard D, Pinguet J, Chezal JM, Chagnon MC, Sautou V, Grimandi G, Moreau E

Chemosphere. 2017 Apr;173:452-459 - Download full text

Histones H3 and H4 require their relevant amino-tails for efficient nuclear import and replication-coupled chromatin assembly in vivo

Ejlassi A, Menil-Philippot V, Galvani A, Thiriet C

Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 8;7(1):3050 - Download full text

Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 and Transforming Growth Factor β1 Inhibit the Expression of the Proinflammatory Cytokine IL-34 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts

Chemel M, Brion R, Segaliny AI, Lamora A, Charrier C, Brulin B, Maugars Y, Le Goff B, Heymann D, Verrecchia F

Am J Pathol. 2017 Jan;187(1):156-162 - Download full text

Biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics for bone reconstruction: A review of biological response

Bouler JM, Pilet P, Gauthier O, Verron E

Acta Biomater. 2017 Apr 15;53:1-12 - Download full text

A doxycycline inducible, adenoviral bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene delivery system to bone

Bara JJ, Dresing I, Zeiter S, Anton M, Daculsi G, Eglin D, Nehrbass D, Stadelmann VA, Betts DC, Müller R, Alini M, Stoddart MJ

J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2018 Jan;12(1):e106-e118. - Download full text

Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) Implants: The Future of Dental Implantology?

Badran Z, Struillou X, Hughes FJ, Soueidan A, Hoornaert A, Ide M

J Oral Implantol. 2017 Jun;43(3):240-244

Comparison between total disc replacement and hybrid construct at two lumbar levels with minimum follow-up of two years

Andrieu K, Allain J, Longis PM, Steib JP, Beaurain J, Delécrin J

Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2017 Feb;103(1):39-43 - Download full text

Strategies for Optimizing the Soft Tissue Seal around Osseointegrated Implants

Abdallah MN, Badran Z, Ciobanu O, Hamdan N, Tamimi F

Adv Healthc Mater. 2017 Oct;6(20) - Download full text

Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of oral melanocytic nevi and review of the literature

Amérigo-Góngora M, Machuca-Portillo G, Torres-Lagares D, Lesclous P, Amérigo-Navarro J, González-Cámpora R

Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Volume 118, Issue 3, June 2017, Pages 151-155 - Download full text

Position paper for the evaluation and management of oral status in patients with valvular disease: Groupe de Travail Valvulopathies de la Société Française de Cardiologie, Société Française de Chirurgie Orale, Société Française de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale, Société Française d’Endodontie et Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de Langue Française

Millot S, Lesclous P, Colombier ML, Radoi L, Messeca C, Ballanger M, Charrier JL, Tramba P, Simon S, Berrebi A, Doguet F, Lansac E, Tribouilloy C, Habib G, Duval X, Lung B

Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Volume 110, Issues 8–9, Sept 2017, Pages 482-494 - Download full text

Dental procedures, antibiotic prophylaxis, and endocarditis among people with prosthetic heart valves: nationwide population based cohort and a case crossover study.

Tubiana S, Blotière PO, Hoen B, Lesclous P, Millot S, Rudant J, Weill A, Coste J, Alla F, Duval X

BMJ. 2017 Sep 7;358:j3776 - Download full text

The predictive value of microbiological findings on teeth, internal and external implant portions in clinical decision making

Canullo L, Radovanović S, Delibasic B, Blaya JA, Penarrocha D, Rakic M

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017 May;28(5):512-519 - Download full text

Surgical management of lower limb fractures in patients with spinal cord injury less associated with complications than non-operative management: a retrospective series of cases

Fouasson-Chailloux A, Gross R, Dauty M, Gadbled G, Touchais S, Le Fort M, Perrouin-Verbe B

J Spinal Cord Med. 2017 May 10:1-6

Simultaneous pain intensity rating and quantification of ischemia throughout exercise and recovery in proximal versus distal arterial claudication

Fouasson-Chailloux A, Abraham P, Colas-Ribas C, Feuilloy M, Vielle B, Henni S

Vasc Med. 2017 Dec;22(6):490-497

Update on hypoxia-inducible factors and hydroxylases in oxygen regulatory pathways: from physiology to therapeutics

Ratcliffe P, Koivunen P, Myllyharju J, Ragoussis J, Bovée JV, Batinic-Haberle I, Vinatier C, Trichet V, Robriquet F, Oliver L, Gardie B

Hypoxia (Auckl). 2017 Mar 15;5:11-20 - Download full text

Enriching a cellulose hydrogel with a biologically active marine exopolysaccharide for cell-based cartilage engineering.

Rederstorff E, Rethore G, Weiss P, Sourice S, Beck-Cormier S, Mathieu E, Maillasson M, Jacques Y, Colliec-Jouault S, Fellah BH, Guicheux J, Vinatier C

J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2017 Apr;11(4):1152-1164 - Download full text

Clinical Performance of Moldable Bioceramics and Resorbable Membrane for Bone and Mucosa Regeneration in Maxillofacial Surgery

Daculsi Guy, Seris Elodie, Christian Verner and Said Kimakhe

Biomater Med Appl 2017, 1:2 Download full text


Pro-angiogenic effect of RANTES-loaded polysaccharide-based microparticles for a mouse ischemia therapy

N. Suffee, C. Le Visage, H. Hlawaty, R. Aid-Launais, V. Vanneaux, J. Larghero, O. Haddad, O. Oudar, N. Charnaux & A. Sutton

Sci Rep, 2017, 7(1): 13444-13447 

Expression of Phosphate Transporters during Dental Mineralization

L. Merametdjian, S. Beck-Cormier, N. Bon, G. Couasnay, S. Sourice, J. Guicheux, C. Gaucher, L. Beck

J Dental Research, 2017

Polysaccharide Hydrogels Support the Long-Term Viability of EncapsulatedHuman Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Ability to Secrete Immunomodulatory Factors

F. Hached, C. Vinatier, PG. Pinta, P. Hulin, C. Le Visage, P. Weiss, J. Guicheux, A. Billon-Chabaud, G. Grimandi

Stem Cells International, 2017 - Download full text

A biomaterial-assisted mesenchymal stromal cell therapy alleviates colonic radiation-induced damage

L. Moussa, G. Pattappa, B. Doix, SL. Benselama, C. Demarquay, M. Benderitter, A. Sémont, R. Tamarat, J. Guicheux, P. Weiss, G. Réthoré, N. Mathieu

Biomaterials, 2017, 115: 40-52

Autologous fat grafting: A comparative study of four current commercial protocols

V. Hivernaud, B. Lefourn, M. Robard, J. Guicheux, P. Weiss

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 70(2): 248-256

Toward the development of biomimetic injectable and macroporous biohydrogels for regenerative medicine

K. Flégeau, R. Pace, H. Gautier, G. Rethore, J. Guicheux, C. Le Visage, P. Weiss

Adv Colloid Interf Sci, 2017, 247: 589-609

Silica nanofibers as a new drug delivery system: a study of the protein–silica interactions

N. Henry, J. Clouet, C. Le Visage, P. Weiss, E. Gautron, D. Renard, T. Cordonnier, F. Boury, B. Humbert, H. Terrisse, J. Guicheux, J. Le Bideau

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5: 2908-2920

The transpedicular surgical approach for the development of intervertebral disc targeting regenerative strategies in an ovine model

L. Le Fournier, M. Fusellier, B. Halgand, J. Lesoeur, O. Gauthier, P. Menei, C. Montero-Menei, J. Guicheux, J. Clouet
Eur Spine J, 2017, 26(8): 2072–2083

Pullulan microbeads/Si-HPMC hydrogel injectable system for the sustained delivery of GDF-5 and TGF-β1: new insight into intervertebral disc regenerative medicine

N. Henry, J. Clouet, A. Fragale, L. Griveau, C. Chédeville, J. Véziers, P. Weiss, J. Le Bideau, J. Guicheux, C. Le Visage

Drug Delivery, 2017, 24(1): 999-1010 - Download full text

Purification of the exopolysaccharide produced by Alteromonas infernus: identification of endotoxins and effective process to remove them

A. Grivaud-Le Du, A. Zykwinska, C. Sinquin, J. Ratiskol, P. Weiss, C. Vinatier, J. Guicheux, C. Delbarre-Ladrat, S. Colliec-Jouault

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2017, 101(17): 6597–6606

Bone marrow cell extract promotes the regeneration of irradiated bone

G. Michel , P. Blery, M. Henoux, J. Guicheux, P. Weiss, S. Brouard, O. Malard, F. Espitalier

PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(5): e0178060

Vertical ramus elongation and mandibular advancement by endobuccal approach: Presentation of a new osteotomy technique

F. Grimaud, H. Bertin, F. Fauvel, P. Corre, J.-P. Perrin

J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017, 118(1): 66-69

Platelet concentrates for bone regeneration: Current evidence and future challenges

Z. Badran, MN. Abdallah, J. Torres, F. Tamimi

Platelets, 2017, 26:1-8

Pharmacologically active microcarriers delivering BDNF within a hydrogel: Novel strategy for human bone marrow-derived stem cells neural/neuronal differentiation guidance and therapeutic secretome enhancement

S. Kandalam, L. Sindji, G. Delcroix, F. Violet, X. Garric, E. André, P. Schiller, M-C Venier-Julienne, A. des Rieux, J. Guicheux, C. Montero-Menei

Acta Biomater, 2017, 49: 167-180

Neuroblastoma chemotherapy can be augmented by immunotargeting O-acetyl-GD2 tumor-associated ganglioside

Faraj S, Bahri M, Fougeray S, El Roz A, Fleurence J, Véziers J, Leclair MD, Thébaud E, Paris F, Birklé S

Oncoimmunology. 2017 Sep 21;7(1):e1373232 - Download full text

Microgels of silylated HPMC as a multimodal system for drug co-encapsulation

Zayed M, Tourne-Peteilh C, Ramonda M, Rethore G, Weiss P, Martinez J, Subra G, Mehdi A, Devoisselle JM, Legrand P

Int J Pharm. 2017 Nov 5;532(2):790-801

Correlation between radiographic parameters and functional scores in degenerative lumbar and thoracolumbar scoliosis

Simon J, Longis PM, Passuti N

Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2017 Apr;103(2):285-290

An in vitro analysis model for investigating the staining effect of various chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes

Kouadio AA, Struillou X, Bories C, Bouler JM, Badran Z, Soueidan A

J Clin Exp Dent. 2017 Mar 1;9(3):e410-e416

Potential relationship between periodontal diseases and eye diseases

Pockpa ZA, Struillou X, Coulibaly NT, Weber M, Soueidan A, Badran Z

Med Hypotheses. 2017 Feb;99:63-66

Long-Term Follow-Up Comparative Study of Hydroxyapatite and Autologous Cranioplasties: Complications, Cosmetic Results, Osseointegration

Moles A, Heudes PM, Amelot A, Cristini J, Salaud C, Roualdes V, Riem T, Martin SA, Raoul S, Terreaux L, Bord E, Buffenoir K

World Neurosurg. 2018 Mar;111:e395-e402

Outcomes of functional treatment versus open reduction and internal fixation of condylar mandibular fracture with articular impact: A retrospective study of 83 adults

Merlet FL1, Grimaud F2, Pace R3, Mercier JM2, Poisson M2, Pare A4, Corre P

J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Feb;119(1):8-15.

A straightforward approach to enhance the textural, mechanical and biological properties of injectable calcium phosphate apatitic cements (CPCs): CPC/blood composites, a comprehensive study

Mellier C, Lefèvre FX, Fayon F, Montouillout V, Despas C, Le Ferrec M, Boukhechba F, Walcarius A, Janvier P, Dutilleul M, Gauthier O, Bouler JM, Bujoli B

Acta Biomater. 2017 Oct 15;62:328-339

Expression of factors involved in dental pulp physiopathological processes by nemotic human pulpal fibroblasts

Le Clerc J, Tricot-Doleux S, Pellen-Mussi P, Pérard M, Jeanne S, Pérez F

Int Endod J. 2018 Feb;51 Suppl 2:e94-e106

Extracellular Matrices for Bone Regeneration: A Literature Review

A. Mansour, MA Mezour, Z. Badran, F. Tamimi

Tissue Eng Part A, 2017, 23(23-24): 1436-1451

Costal graft as a support for bone regeneration after mandibular juvenile ossifying fibroma resection: An unusual case report

F.Fauvel, R.Pace, F.Grimaud, F.Marion, P.Corre, B.Piot

Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Volume 118, Issue 5, October 2017, Pages 320-325

Mis à jour le 27 janvier 2023.